Friday, October 31, 2008

Black Beard

So yeah, today's Halloween. One of my favorite custumes of all time is a Pirate, although they all look like Captain Jack Sparrow now. But, this post is dedicated to one of the greatest pirates of all time: Black Beard. Sure the guy's name was Edward Teach, but that sounds really boring for a pirate with such a great beard. Black beard is easily the logical choice here. From the early 1700's until his death in 1718, Blackbeard, instilled fear in everyone who sailed the seas, including other pirates. He was the most feared pirate in the Caribbean and the East Coast of the 13 colonies. When the name pirate comes into your mind, this is the kind of guy that you think of. He set himself up as the Magistrate of Nassau, where he ruled over other pirates and citizens alike. So yeah, cross pirate king off the list of great accomplishments for a bearded lad. During his life, He had received five gunshot wounds and three knife wounds, all of which should have ended his life. He had survived all of them, only falling over with the ninth fatal wound he received. Consequently, the belief in Blackbeards supernatural power became firmly implanted in Caribbean folklore. Sure he was an awful guy who plundered other ships and killed plenty of time, but he did it all with a great beard. I would like to boldly state that he would have been nothing without his beard. Case Closed.

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