Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sayid Jarrah

I watch a lot of TV. And I mean a lot of TV. I was never a big fan of Lost. But I had time to kill this past Spring and knocked out the first 3 seasons while season 4 was going on. Needless to say I got hooked. It is the most mind boggling show that I've ever attempted to watch, and I love almost everything about it. Of course they've been on the Island a lot by now, so most of the men have beards. But with the finding of the hatch, Sawyer, Jack, Locke and Hurley are more often shaved than they used to be. So that leaves us with the great Sayid Jarrah, magnificently played by Naveen Andrews. Having an Iraqi torturer on the plane was a smart choice and he has been one of my favorite characters alongside Ben and Desmond. I can't remember the last time he was clean shaven, maybe in some flash backs/ flash forwards. Tom Friendly had a great beard, then we found out it was fake, I was greatly disappointed at this time. With Sayid now back in civilization, I'm hoping he doesn't shave any time soon, that could be heart breaking. I could go on about Lost for days, so I'll stop and celebrate the great Lost beard of Sayid.

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