Monday, January 19, 2009

Zach Galifianakis

It's about time I paid tribute to one of the funniest comics around who actually uses his own material and isn't a complete tool (see this guy). I first saw Zach in one of my favorite London brothers movies, Out Cold as Luke, the hilarious bearded guy who gets his junk stuck in a jacuzzi. He hasn't been in a whole lot of movies lately which has made me pretty sad, but that's ok since his standup is absolutely hilarious.
Here is the biography from Zach's website: "I enjoy tractors and red wine. I feel that living your life in contradiction keeps one confused and happy. Sometimes I like to go to the zoo and ride on the backs of bison. I dream of Iceland from time to time. I like walking over bridges and hate Donald Trump or anything like him. The entertainment business is both poison and honey. I drive a Subaru. It is an automatic. I cry sometimes in that car."
That pretty much sums him up, he's completely insane and different than almost every other person in the public light, there is nothing this guy does that isn't flat out funny. Even without a beard, this guy would be fantastic, but the beard is definitely a 10 out of 10 on the awesome scale. Thanks Zach

1 comment:

Brant A. Zurliene said...

I have been a fan of Zach ever since he was in Tru calling with Eliza Dushku.